generation gap
generation gap为短语/超纲词汇
generation gap
.gene'ration .gap
n [singular]
the lack of understanding or the differences between older people and younger people
1. Every generation seems to need to identify itself." 好像每一代人都要找到自己的本色。"
2. Bit by bit she closed the gap. 她一点一点地缩短了距离。
3. By going for next-generation technology now, Vietnamese telecommunications officials say they'll be able to keep pace with anyone in Asia for decades. 由于现在就选用了下一代的技术,越南负责通信的官员说他们能够在数十年中与亚洲的任何一个国家保持同步。
4. We should learn the frugality of last generation. 我们应该学习上辈的俭朴作风。
5. The work fills in a gap which hitherto existed in our archaeological literature. 这一著作填补了我国考古学文献中的一个空白。
6. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas----legends handed down from one generation of storytellers to another. 他们保存历史的唯一办法是将历史当作传说讲述,由讲述人一代接一代地将史实描述为传奇故事口传下来。
7. ----spawning a new generation of garage start-ups and giving the U.S. a jump on its foreign rivals in getting new products to market fast. --造就新一代从汽车间起家的技术人员,在把产品推向市场方面使美国把它的外国对手们打个措手不及。
8. And the generation before me said "Go!" "我的上一代人喊道"跑!"
9. As the heads of next-generation start-ups, these Asian innovators can draw on customs and languages to forge tighter links with crucial Pacific Rim markets. 作为新掘起一代的带头人,亚裔发明家可以凭借他们在习惯和语言上的优势,与关键的太平洋沿岸市场建立起更加牢固的联系。
10. After entering the narrow gap on the plateau, they climbed down the steep sides of the cave until they came to a narrow corridor. 他们从高原上的窄缝进去,顺着笔直陡峭的洞壁往下爬。